Bhutan travel guide

A Complete Guide to Plan a Trip to Bhutan

A complete travel guide to plan a trip to Bhutan starting from getting there, stay, best time to visit and best ...
Kheng Tshachu

Duenmang Tshachu, the Hot Spring of Guru Rinpoche with a Great Healing Power

Duenmang Tshachu is a renowned hot spring with “great healing power” blessed by Guru Rinpoche in Zhemgang at an elevation ...
holy spring water

Drupchhu or Holy Spring Waters in Bhutan: Beliefs and Benefits

Drupchhu (གྲུབ་ཆུ་) are the blessed water attributed to great spiritual power to bless and liberate anyone who drinks it from suffering ...
medicinal spring water

Menchu or Medicinal Springs in Bhutan: Beliefs and Benefits

Menchu or medicinal waters are naturally occurring springs that have therapeutic effects used as a spiritual blessing and for bathing ...
thujedra temple

Thuji Dra, the Cliff of Compassion where Phajo had a Vision of Chenrezig

Thuji Dra is the cliff of compassion where Phajo Drugom Zhigpo had a vision of Chenrezig at nearly 4,000 meters ...
Tango Choying Dzong

Tango Choying Dzong, where Avalokiteshvara revealed himself as “the Wrathful Hayagriva”

Tango Choying Dzong is the most sacred site of Phajo Drugom Zhigpo where Yidam Tandin appeared before him and delivered ...
Phajo Drugom Zhigpo

Phajo Drugom Zhigpo in Bhutan: The Sacred Sites Associated with Phajo Drugom Zhigpo and his Descendants

Phajo Drugom Zhigpo was a religious master who first introduced Drukpa Kagyu to Bhutan in 1224 A.D. His Sacred Sites ...
ekajati ney

Tumdra Ami Ney, the Abode of Wish-granting Goddess Ekajati in Bhutan

Tumdra Ami Ney is a chief abode of Lhamo Ekajati blessed by Guru Rinpoche in the 8th century in Darla ...

Tha Namkhai Dzong, the Frontier Sky Fortress of Guru Rinpoche

Tha Namkhai Dzong is a holy site blessed by Guru Rinpoche in the 8th century, featuring a religious bell hanging ...
jomolhari nye

Jomolhari, where Guru Rinpoche Meditated before flying to Tibet

Jomolhari is a sacred mountain blessed by Guru Rinpoche and located at an altitude of more than 4,600 metres above ...