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Aja Menchu, the Medicinal Spring Water at Aja Ney

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  • Post last modified:September 7, 2024
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Aja Menchu is the medicinal spring water at Aja Ney created by Guru Rinpoche believed to cure 18 different diseases (nayrig-chobgay) located at an altitude of 2513 masl in Serzhong gewog under Mongar Dzongkhag. Bhutan has 17 medicinal or mineral springs (Menchu).

How to Reach Aja Menchu

Since Aja Menchu is located in Aja Ney, you can reach this Menchu while on a pilgrimage to the sacred site of Aja. You must reach Yadi town between the Mongar and Trashigang districts to begin your journey. After a 2-hour drive on the feeder road from Yadi to Serzhong, and at least 8 hours of walking from the foothills of Yarab village in Serzhong Gewog, Aja gNey Menchu can be reached.

Also Read: Aja Ney, a Sacred Site of a Hundred Inscriptions of the Syllable ‘Aa’

Historical Background of Aja Ney Menchu

The medicinal water Aja Ney Menchu, credited to the great saint Guru Rimpoche, is 2513 meters above sea level. Due to the complicated landscape, Guru Padmasambhava came here as a Garuda. Thus, the shape of this Menchu is similar to that of a Garuda.

Also Read: Guru Rinpoche in Bhutan: His Visits to Bhutan and Sacred Sites

Trek Route of Aja Ney Menchu

  • Start from Yadi, Mongar;
    • Yadi to Serzhong: About 2 hour’s drive along the feeder road;
      • Serzhong to Yarab and Aja Ney Menchu: At least 8 hours hike

Organoleptic Properties of Aja Menchu

The organoleptic properties of Aja Menchu are not available.

Therapeutic Values or Ethnopharmacological Uses of Aja Ney Menchu

Due to the sacredness of Aja Menchu, people believe that the Menchu cures 18 different diseases (nad-rigs
bco-rgyad in Sowa rigpa) including tuberculosis, body aches, ulcers, whooping cough, etc.

The locals there arrange a hot tub for you at the cost of Nu 1700 which can easily fit 4 people. Soak in the medicinal water and relax after a tiring hike to the sacred site of Aja Ney.

Also Read: Menchu or Medicinal Springs in Bhutan: Beliefs and Benefits

Best Time to Visit Aja Ney Menchu

The best season to visit Aja Ney Menchu is between April and October. There are guesthouses around the ney.

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