Rinchending Goemba

Kharbandi Monastery, a Temple on the Precious Hill in Phuentsholing

Kharbandi Monastery, also known as Rinchending Goemba, is a Buddhist monastery in Phuntsholing built in 1967 by the Royal Grandmother, Ashi ...
Zangtopelri Phuentsholing

Zangdo Pelri Lhakhang, a Replica of Guru Rinpoche’s Paradise in Phuentsholing

Zangdo Pelri Lhakhang in Phuentsholing is a small monastery located in the Phuentsoling town enclosed by a recreational park built by ...
Dokhaker goenpa

Dokhachu Goenpa, a Temple of Wish-granting Goddess Ekajati

Dokhachu Goenpa is the chief abode of Lhamo Ekajati in Bhutan and houses the sacred statue of Ekajati discovered by ...
ekajati ney

Tumdra Ami Ney, the Abode of Wish-granting Goddess Ekajati

Tumdra Ami Ney is a chief abode of Lhamo Ekajati blessed by Guru Rinpoche in the 8th century in Darla ...