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Duenmang Tshachu, the Hot Spring of Guru Rinpoche with a Great Healing Power

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  • Post last modified:September 7, 2024
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Duenmang Tshachu is on the right bank of the Mangdechhu at the base of a cliff of Kamjong Hill in Nangkor Gewog under Zhemgang Dzongkhag. It is widely known as the Kheng Tshachu due to its location in the center of the Kheng region at an elevation of 500 meters above sea level.

The Tshachu is located on government reserve forest land under the jurisdiction of the Zhemgang forest division under Nangkor Gewog. Bhutan has 10 hot springs.

Also Read: Hot Springs in Bhutan: Bhutanese Beliefs and Benefits

How to Reach Duenmang Tshachu

Duenmang Hot Spring is 75 Kilometers from Zhemgang and about 40 kilometers from Tingtibi satellite town. From Tingtibi town, drive to Gonphu. Gonphu town is around an hour’s drive from Tingtibi. From Gonphu, it takes about 45 minutes to an hour to trek to reach Duenmang Tshachu.

Duenmang Tshachu Hike: The hike starts from Praling on the Tingtibi-Panbang highway and it takes an hour to descend to reach the hot spring. Langurs along the trail are known to throw stones at travelers descending towards the Tshachu. But now the foot trail from the road head at Praling to the Tshachu has been improved with steel railings and the path from the bridge to the Tshachu has been roofed with wire mesh.

Trek Route of Duenmang Tsachu

  • Start from Tingtibi Satellite town, Zhemgang;
  • Tingtibi to Praling: 40 km and 2 hours’ drive by car;
  • Praling to Duenmang Tshachu: 1 hour walk.

The Origin of Duenmang Tshachu

No one knows the exact origin of Duenmang Tshachu, but it is believed that Guru Rinpoche blessed it, as his Nye can be found there. The Duenmang Tshachu was discovered by a hunter who followed the footprints of wild animals.

According to legend, the Tshachu’s initial location was in the village of Kamjong. People began tossing trash and animal corpses into the Tshachu to keep visitors away. Therefore, the hot spring is believed to have moved to its present location. The Tshachu’s name gradually evolved to Duenmang Tshachu since the road to Duenmang village goes through the hot spring.

Duenmang Tshachu was officially recognized as Tshachu in 1972.

Description of Duenmang Tsachu

The hot spring is crystal clear, surrounded by tall trees, and overlooks the emerald Mangdechhu River. Six more ponds, in addition to the original four, have recently been constructed to meet the growing demand.

Pool 1 with a temperature of 40.7 °C is categorized as a warm spring while Pool 2 with a temperature of 45.2 °C, Pool 3 with a temperature of 49 °C, and Pool 4 with a temperature of 43 °C are categorized as a hot spring. The temperatures of other ponds are not measured.

The walkway inside the hot spring is protected by bars and has a canopy covering it.

You can see guesthouses, a neykhang (residence of a local deity), bathrooms, water taps, and waste bins in every corner of the area.

Therapeutic Values or Ethnopharmacological Benefits of Duenmang Tsachu

In Bhutan, hot springs are traditionally regarded as natural sources of healing. People from all over the country flock to the hot spring, hoping to heal physically and spiritually.

Kheng Duenmang Tshachu is a renowned hot spring with “great healing power”. Pool 1 is believed to heal indigestion, improve bodily heat, and cure phlegm disorders, gout, and feeling of lameness in the limbs. This pool is frequently used by people seeking treatment for tuberculosis, goiters, joint pain, sinusitis, and skin diseases.

Pool 2 is said to heal complicated convulsions, remove bodily poisons, and alleviate chronic fevers and feelings of lameness in the limbs. Although Pool 3 has the same source as Pool 2 and thus has the same medicinal properties, people visit to alleviate particularly the headaches. Pool 4 is used to heal particularly skin diseases though it has the same source as Pools 2 & 3 and thus has the same medicinal properties.

Besides curing ailments, a soak in the hot spring is a great way to unwind the day and a mineral treat for the body and mind.

Also Read: Therapeutic Values or Ethnopharmacological Benefits of Chubu Tshachu

Best Time to Visit Duenmang Tshachu

The Duenmang Tsachu is one of the most well-known hot springs in Bhutan. An increasing number of individuals are drawn to this hot spring. According to the caretaker of the Tshachu, every year more than 1000 people visit Duenmang hot springs. The best time to visit Duenmang Tshachu is during the winter months from November to March.

Accommodation at Duenmang Tshachu

There is a government guest house and a three-storey public guest house. In 2016, Zhemgang Forest Division constructed a three-story guest house for the convenience of the general public visiting the Tshachu. The new guesthouse has 10 rooms, each accommodating 10 persons. People can also stay in the attic. If you fail to get a room, you can pitch your tent and stay there as long as you want.

You can contact the dzongkhag to assist you in making a room reservation at the guest house.

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