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Dokhachu Goenpa, a Temple of Wish-granting Goddess Ekajati

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  • Post last modified:March 2, 2025
  • Reading time:11 mins read

Dokhachu Goenpa or Chapcha Dargay Choeling Goenzin Dratshang is an Ekajati Lhakhang in Bhutan near a boulder cave pointing to the sky. It is located in Chapcha Gewog under Chukha Dzongkhag at an elevation of 3048m overlooking the village of Rin Thangkha. Lama Choeje Thinley Jamtsho, a grandson of Phajo Drugom Zhigpo founded Dokhachu Goenpa in 1650.

The Goenpa was named Dokhaker from “a large boulder standing upright and facing the sky” a hundred meters from the main temple.

Dokhachu Goenpa is the abode of Yidham Lhamo Ekajati in Bhutan and houses the sacred statue of Ekajati, which Terton Drukdra Dorji discovered from Tumdra Ami Nye. It is also called Ekajati Lhakhang.

It is said that if you pray sincerely to Aum Kangchim, your wishes will be fulfilled. The Goenpa is becoming a must-visit pilgrimage place for anyone planning a trip overseas. They come here to pray for visas. However, it is not open to non-Bhutanese.

How to Reach Dokhachu Goenpa

Dokhachu Gonpa is located above Chapcha Dzong. It is an hour’s drive from Thimphu. If you travel from Thimphu, take the old highway at Damchu. When you reach Chapcha, turn left from the old highway road. You can find the signboard there. As you move on, you will reach Chapcha School. From the school, it is 3 kilometers to reach Dokhachoe Goenpa.

Sacred Relics to see at Dokhaker Gonpa

  • Ekajati statue;
  • Vajra and the bell of Terton Drukda Dorji;
  • Statues of Guru Tshoki Dorji and Chakrasamvara;
  • Bell of Lingrey Pema Dorji, a teacher of Tsangpa Gyare;
  • Statue of Tsog gi lang po (Ganesh), a deity of wealth;
  • Speaking statue of Guru Rinpoche;
  • Three Buddhas of Three Eras known as Due-Sum Sangye.

Also Read: Guru Rinpoche in Bhutan: His Visits to Bhutan and Sacred Sites

Historical Significance of Dokhachu Goenpa

According to the history of Dokhachu Goenpa, the Dokhachu Goenpa was founded by Choeje Lama Thinley Jamtsho (Choje Rechungpa), a disciple of Jingpa Gyaltshen in 1650. Lama Thinley Jamtsho was the son of Thimphu Changangkha’s Lam Penjor who became a student of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel.

As prophesied by Drubthob Jinba Gyeltshen, Lama Thinley Jamtsho searched for a fitting location to set up a meditation retreat center. When he reached the present location, he found it serene, and it fulfilled the prophecy. So, he took it as his destined dharma seat.

A century later, Terton Drukda Dorji is said to have visited the Goenpa. As per Guru Rinpoche‘s prophecy, he came to Bhutan and visited Chumophug, Tandin Nye, Tshelung Nye, Passa Amai Nye, and numerous other holy locations in and around Bhutan. While he was on a hill of Tumdra Ami Nye in Dala, Terton Drukda Dorji discovered the sacred statue of Ekajati as a Ter (treasure).

Also Read: Tumdra Ami Ney, the Abode of Wish-granting Goddess Ekajati in Bhutan

Ekajati, the wish-granting goddess of Dokhachu Goenpa

The sacred statue of Aum Kangchim was brought to Dokhachu Goenpa in 1864 during the Duar War. Oral history states that the statue was carried by the Dzongpoen (governor) and Kyenyer (caretaker) from Tumdra Amai Nye but could not be carried further after arriving at Chapcha Zhomola. However, when they talked about where it would be taken, the statue turned towards Dokhachu Goenpa.

People who seek money, longevity, and children frequent the temple. It is said that a Royal Prince, Great Fourth Druk Gyalpo was born in 1955 after Druk Gyalpo Jigme Dorji Wangchuck went to the temple and asked Aum Ekajati for his blessing.

Description of Dokhachu Goenpa

Dokhachu Goenpa is chiefly known as the abode of Yidham Ekajati or Aum Kangchim (one-legged lady) in Bhutan. Dokhachoe Goenpa, also known as Ekajati Lhakhang is very popular among the people who come here to offer prayers to a wish-fulfilling statue of Lhamo Ekajati, known popularly as Aum Kangchim.

The first Dokhachu Goenpa was built by Choeje lama Thinley Jamtsho in 1650. It was named DoKhaker Goenpa which would roughly translate as “Temple at the Standing Boulder” concerning a large, skyward pointing (Kha Ker) boulder cave (Do).

It is also said that he meditated in the Lhakhang’s eight directions. He is reported to have witnessed Khachoe Dakpai Zhingkham, a celestial abode, through the cliff after three days of meditation on a cliff close to the Goenpa. Hence the Goenpa is also called Dokhachoe Goemba.

The main relic of Dokhachu Goenpa is a self-arising statue of Lhamo Ekajati. There is also a small statue of Ekajati said to have been sculpted out of a block of cypress tree by Terton Drukda Dorji and his personal belongings including the bell and the vajra.

The other sacred treasures of the Goenpa are the “speaking” statue of Guru Rinpoche (Guru Sungjoem) and the Due-Sum Sangye, or Three Buddhas of Three Eras, as well as the statues of Chakrasamvara and Guru Tshoki Dorji. There is also a remarkable small statue of Tshodha Langpo (Ganesh), a deity of wealth.

dokhachu goenpa

Do Khaker and Blue Pine Tree

As you walk from the parking area to the main temple, there is a large boulder cave (Do) standing upright and pointing to the sky (Kha Ker) from which the name of the Goenpa was derived. A small shrine is attached to this sacred boulder but it’s empty.

When Lama Thinley Jamtsho reached the present site of Dokhachu Goenpa, he meditated under a blue pine tree in front of a big boulder cave with its tip pointing upright to the sky. Subsequently, the tree became Lamai Tongphu Tsawa, meaning “The lama’s blue pine root.” The boulder was called Chödung Phumi Dophung, the “Boulder which blows horns” as lamas ascended the boulder and blew horns during religious festivals.

Chapcha Dargay Choeling Goenzin Dratshang

Dargay Choeling Goenzin Dratshang is located on the hilltop overlooking Chapcha Valley. This monastic school was established under the patronage of Royal Grandmother Ashi Kezang Choden Wangchuck in 2009.

Dokhachu Goenpa Festival

An annual ritual to the deities, Aum Ekajati Tshog Bum is performed at Dokhachu Goenpa from the 13th day to the 15th day of the 4th month of the Bhutanese lunar calendar. During the festival, relics are open for public viewing and blessings.

Best Time to Visit Dokhachu Goenpa

The best time to visit Dokhachu Goenpa is during the festival from the 13th to the 15th day of the 4th month of the Bhutanese calendar. During the festival, the public can view and receive the blessings from the sacred relics. The usually remains crowded and if you wish to know in detail about the temple, you must visit during weekdays. Please note the opening and closing timing. The Dokhachu Goenpa monastery opens at 7.00 am and closes by 5.00 pm. You can visit major pilgrimage sites of Chhukha with the Bhutan Pilgrimage Package.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the history of Dokhachu Goenpa?

According to the history of Dokhachu Goenpa, the Dokhachu Goenpa was founded by Choeje Lama Thinley Jamtsho, a disciple of Jingpa Gyaltshen in 1650.

What is the mantra of Ekajati?

Ekajati Mantra:

Om Ah-Sung-Ma Hung Phat.

Om Yi-Ji Ram Yam Kam Hum.


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