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Ta Rimochen, a Cliff with an Impression of Tiger’s Stripes

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  • Post last modified:September 7, 2024
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Tang Rimochen is the holy site where Guru Rinpoche meditated and hid many Treasures. It is located at an altitude of 2727 masl near the village of Misethang in the Tang Valley of Bumthang Dzongkhag. Pema Lingpa built the Tang Rimochen Lhakhang in the 14th century at the foot of a cliff.

This cliff has numerous marks that look like tiger stripes, and the Ney was named Tag Remochen, meaning “an impression of tiger’s stripes“. This sacred Ney is also known as Ta Rimochen or simply Tang Rimochen Lhakhang.

How to Reach Ta Rimochen

The Ta Rimochen Lhakhang is located a kilometer from the base of the Kunzangdra cliff, Bumthang. The distance from Chamkhar Town to Taag Rimochen is 29 kilometers. Initially, after crossing a bridge across the Bumthang Chhu, the road goes down to Dechen Pelrithang at an elevation of 2,800 meters, then passes the famous Mebartsho gorge of the Tang Valley. From Mebartsho, climb up steeply and you’ll reach Kungzandra Monastery, and three more temples (Wangkhang, Ozerphuk, and Khandroma Lhakhang) before reaching the Taag Rimochen Ney.

Sacred Relics to See at Taag Rimochen

  • Tiger stripes on the rocks;
  • Footprints of the 8-year-old daughter, the “Lotus Princess” of king Thrisong Detsen;
  • The bathing tub of the Guru Rinpoche;
  • Imprints of Guru Rinpoche and his consort, Yeshey Tsogyal in an embrace during an epic bout of tantric lovemaking;
  • Handprints and footprints of the Guru and his consort Yeshe Tsogyal on the cliff face;
  • Two large rocks that represent male and female Jachung;
  • Duethro Sewotshel (cremation Grounds).

Also Read: Guru Rinpoche in Bhutan: His Visits to Bhutan and Sacred Sites

Historical Significance of Tang Rimochen

According to legend, Guru Rinpoche meditated on a giant rock, and with his two consorts Mandarava and Yeshe Tsogyal hid many treasures there. Later Terton Pema Lingpa discovered treasures from this place, a text, and a Buddha statue. Some source says that Pema Lingpa discovered a “treasure” in the form of a vase filled with long-life water.

Legend has it that the local deity attacked Guru Rimpoche in the form of a tiger and that Guru Rinpoche subdued and turned it into a rock. The name of the Ney is associated with tiger stripes. Taag Rimochen Ney which means ‘an impression of tiger’s stripes’ is derived from the vertical yellow stripes that resemble tiger stripes on the dark rock cliff behind the building.

Longchenpa, a religious master had a vision and prophesied the establishment of the monastery at the site where Guru Rinpoche meditated. A temple was then built by Pema Lingpa right under the tiger-stripes cliff in the 14th century.

Later, in the 19th century, the temple was restored by Penlop Dorje Tsoke, a distant descendant of Dorje Lingpa.

Description of Taag Rimochen

You can see the Guru Rinpoche’s bathing tub by the roadside. Imprints of Guru Rinpoche and his consort, Yeshey Tsogyal in an embrace during an epic bout of tantric lovemaking are also seen on the rock.

On the cliff face are the Guru’s and Yeshe Tsogyal’s handprints, footprints, and various wish-fulfilling stones and spiritual symbols. There are more footprints at the top of the steps leading to the Lhakhang.

On the rock face, at the backside of the temple, are footprints of the 8-year-old daughter of Thrisong Detsen. The “Lotus Princess” is claimed to have taken a pilgrimage to the site with Guru Rinpoche. She died there and her body is believed to be buried in the mystic rock treasure named “The mystic keys to the future”.

The cremation grounds are roughly 200 meters from the temple, beside a “two-legged khonying” or “two-legged archway chorten.” Duethro Sewotshel is thought to be a re-enactment of Guru’s Zangthopelri. The Jakar district monastic authority, which appoints a Lama for the temple, now looks after it.

Tang Rimochen Lhakhang

Terton Pema Lingpa built the Lhakhang at the site where Guru Padmasambhava and his consorts meditated and hidden treasures. The Terton also added images and texts he found to the temple. The monastery is known for its rock markings. Among many markings, the vertical yellow stripes resembling Tiger are the main wonders.

Guru Rinpoche and his eight manifestations are the principal statues of the Ney. Look for a statue of local protector Lhamo Remaley inside the main chapel. Two large rocks below the temple are stated to “represent male and female Jachung.” 

Beautiful paintings at the Taag Remochen Lhakhang, including a magnificent portrait of the 12th-century yogi Milarepa. The paintings also portray the Zangdopelri, Guru Rinpoche’s paradise, Guru and his eight forms, Kagyupa master Gampopa, and the Drukpa Kagyu lineage, as well as the Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel.

Best Time to Visit Bumthang Tang Rimochen Lhakhang

You can visit throughout the year. For pilgrimage, there’s no season to visit sacred places. You don’t need the perfect time to pilgrimage to Taag Remochen Ney in Bumthang. Book a local tour package to Bumthang and have a wonderful pilgrimage. You can visit many major pilgrimage sites of Bumthang with the Bhutan Pilgrimage Package.

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