kurje drubchu

Kurjey Drupchhu, the Holy Water that Cures all Diseases

Kurjey Drupchhu is a holy water created by Guru Rinpoche to heal the ailing Sindhu Raja in the 8th century ...

Dra Zhi, the Four Great Meditation Cliffs of Guru Rinpoche in Bumthang

Dra Zhi are the four great meditation cliffs of Guru Rinpoche in Bumthang where he meditated before subduing Shelging Karpo, ...

Shugdra, a Cliff where Guru meditated in the form of Blood Drinking Wrathful Padma

Shugdra is one of Guru Rinpoche's four cliffs located in the upper Choekhor valley of Bumthang where he meditated in ...
tang mebar tsho

Mebar Tsho, the Burning Lake where Pema Lingpa discovered Hidden Treasures 

Mebar Tsho, the Burning Lake is the most sacred lake in Bumthang from where Pema Lingpa discovered several hidden treasures of ...
choedra goenpa

Choedrak, One of the Four Sacred Meditation Cliffs of Guru Rinpoche in Bumthang

Choedrak is one of the four cliffs (Dra Zhi) of Guru Rinpoche in the Chumey valley of Bumthang at an ...
Ta rimochen

Ta Rimochen, a Cliff with an Impression of Tiger’s Stripes

Tang Rimochen is a holy site of Guru Rinpoche located at an altitude of 2727masl near the village of Misethang ...

Zhabjethang, the Plain where Guru Rinpoche Meditated and left His Footprint

Zhabjethang is a sacred plain in Bumthang where Guru Rinpoche and his consort Tashi Khyidren meditated and left their footprints ...
kunzangdra goenpa

Kunzangdra, a Cliff where Pema Lingpa saw Kuntu Zangpo, one of the Primordial Buddhas

Kunzangdra is one of the four cliffs (Dra Zhi) of Guru Rinpoche located opposite to the Tang Valley of Bumthang ...
thowadrak goenpa

Thowadra, a High Cliff where Guru Rinpoche left a Wooden Garuda

Thowadra is a sacred cave of Guru Rinpoche at an altitude of 3,400 meters towards the north end of the ...

Kurjey, a Cave of the Red Cliff where Guru Rinpoche left an Impression of his Body

Kurjey Lhakhang is the first sacred site of Guru Rinpoche in Bumthang where he left his body impression on the ...