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Kabji-Hoka Tsho, a Lake with an Opening to Stop Overflowing

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  • Post last modified:September 7, 2024
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Kabji-Hoka Tsho is one of the largest lakes in Bhutan that never overflows as it’s drained through an opening believed to be created by the lake’s deity. The lake is located under Kabje Gewog of Punakha Dzongkhag at an elevation of 2130 meters above sea level. The Kabji-Hoka Tsho distance is 9 km from Punakha and takes two to three hours on foot from Chorten Nyingpo Lhakhang.

The lake is one of the best places for a day hike, one-night camping, or glamping excursions like a Domendrel Tsho hike. However, a pilgrimage to Kheng Buli Tsho is among the best pilgrimage hikes/treks to lakes in Bhutan.

History of Kabji-Hoka Tsho

According to Kabji Hoka Tsho history, the lake never overflows as it is drained continuously through an opening believed to have been created by the lake’s deity. The opening was made after a demon threatened to flood the place. Therefore, Hoka Tsho translates to “lake with a hole (opening).” That’s how Kabji-Hoka Tsho got its name.

Also Read: The History of Drakey Pangtsho, the Treasure Lake of Guru Rinpoche on the Lap of Jowo Drake

Hike to Kabji-Hoka Tsho

The Kabji Hoka Tsho hike starts from Chorten Nyingpo, Gyalsey Tenzin Rabgye’s winter residence. I recommend managing time and seeking blessings for a safe hike from the Chorten Nyingpo Lhakhang before proceeding to the Kabji Hoka Tsho. The hike is of medium difficulty, with a few stretches of uphill climbing.

The hike is along the irrigation channel to the lake and takes up to 2-3 hours. Along the way, you will be treated to an array of lush flora and soothing chirps of birds. The murky paths are seldom encountered where your zeal for trekking is tested. Surrounded by the forest and mountains, you will get closer to nature as you breathe fresh air and acknowledge nature’s hospitality. 

When you get to the lake, a little walk leads down to the water, where you get some of the best views of Kabji Hoka Tsho in its serene and pristine surroundings.

Also Read: Hike to Domendrel Tsho, where Gyalse Tenzin Rabgye offered Mandala Offerings

Kabji Hoka Tsho

Though the lake is hidden amidst the thick vegetation, it’s amazing to see its vast surrounding area. The enormous and eerie lake bloomed by the petals of pristine mountains, sits majestically greeting the hikers with a gentle breeze of welcome as one gets near. The serene lake has also shown hospitality to the fishes who found their abode there. The Kabji Hoka Tsho has also designated its lush plain surroundings as a spot for lunching, camping, or glamping for hikers who believe in loving nature.

Offer incense as you pray to Guru Rinpoche for the well-being of all sentient beings. One can also seek wisdom from nature to bestow the world with a wealth of self-awareness to fight against climate change.

The beauty of the lake’s warm welcome would pull you back to spend another moment gazing at the lake in reverence as the setting sun paints warning across the western horizon.

As you drag yourself back home, there would always be a promise of visiting again later, if not soon.

Also Read: Mebar Tsho, the Burning Lake where Pema Lingpa discovered Hidden Treasures

Best Time for Hiking to Kabji Hoka Tsho

As always, summer can be difficult. The slippery irrigation channel could prove fatal for novice hikers.  The leeches along the trail can also be a nuisance, especially for urban hikers. The best time would be spring when nature adorns a fresh look and winter when the snowfall beautifies the vicinity.

Also Read: The best time for hiking to Buli Tsho, a Promised Lake of Buli Moenmo Kuntu Zangmo

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