jomolhari nye

Jomolhari, where Guru Rinpoche Meditated before flying to Tibet

Jomolhari is a sacred mountain blessed by Guru Rinpoche and located at an altitude of more than 4,600 metres above ...

Gomdra, the Great Meditation Cliff of Guru Rinpoche Prophesied to Phajo Drugom Zhigpo

Gomdra is one of the Four Great Cliffs of Guru Rinpoche prophesied to Phajo Drugom Zhigpo in Paro Dzongkhag at ...
ragoe ney

RaGoe Ney, the Destined Place of Guru Sungjoen brought by a Goat and a Vulture

RaGoe Ney is a sacred place blessed by Guru Rinpoche in the 8th century located in Doteng gewog under Paro ...
dzongdrakha temple

Dzongdrakha, a Cliff from where a Relic of Chorten and Sangay Youelsum was Discovered

Dzongdrakha is a sacred cliff blessed by Guru Rinpoche located in Bonday under Paro Dzongkhag at an altitude of 2227 ...
Zuri Dzong

Namthong Karpo, where Mysterious Zuri Dzong Stands

Namthong Karpo is a sacred cave located in Paro at an elevation of about 2,500 meters above sea level where ...

Drakarpo, a Rock that Guru Rinpoche broke and took out an Evil Spirit

Drakarpo is a sacred cliff of Guru Rinpoche located in Paro at an elevation of 2,650 meters above sea level ...
chumphu ney

Chumphu Ney, where the Floating Statue of Dorji Phagmo defies gravity

Chumphu Ney is a meditation place of Guru Rinpoche in Paro at an altitude of 3000 masl where the famous ...

Bumdrak Monastery, where Dakinis left 100,000 Footprints

Bumdrak is a sacred cliff of Guru Rinpoche in Paro at an altitude of 3500 masl where Dakinis – Goddess ...
tiger's nest

Paro Taktsang (Tiger’s Nest), the Sacred Place of Guru Rinpoche’s Enlightened Mind

Paro Taktsang is the most sacred cave where Guru Rinpoche journeyed here on the back of a flaming tigress to ...

Hungrel Dzong, a Sacred Site where word “Hung,” of the Buddhist Mantra, “Om Ah Hung” can be seen

Hungrel Dzong is the sacred site of Guru Rinpoche in Paro where a five-story structure Namgyal Khangzang was built by ...